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This category contains 13 posts

Twitter Bias Against #Copts or Apathy?

Some people may think there is a bias on Twitter. By looking at the lack of tweets on the Egyptian unrest and violence against the Coptic Christians of Egypt, one may think Twitter is deleting tweets. Actually, it’s way worse than that. The problem is apathy. People just don’t care. Eight million Coptic Christians have […]

Share Your Twitter Tales

Do You Have a Successful Church Twitter Account Why are some churches successful at using social media and others aren’t? While I haven’t found any stunning success stories, there are some small successes. For example, Zach’s House, a microchurch network in the Dallas-Ft. Worth I began a few years ago has used Twitter effectively on […]

Should Churches Tweet?

Should Churches tweet? If you’re ready for that big responsibility, then I’d say, “Go for it!” But as the book of James says, “Not everyone who can teach should be a teacher.” The same can be said of those who tweet. “Not all churches who can tweet should tweet.” When you start a twitter account […]


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