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I love social media and pizza!

When I'm Not Managing Social Media for Your Business, Church or Political Campaign, You'll Find Me Eating Pizza

You are here right now because you have either thought about or have begun using twitter, facebook, Google+ and other forms of social media for your business, church, or possibly your political campaign. Now what? Is your social media campaign humming along smoothly or are you overwhelmed, unable to respond to all your tweets or comments on Facebook or Google Plus?


Is social media a struggle?

Some of those who struggle with using social media effectively hire special managers to take care of some or all social media tasks while they concentrate on their important day to day tasks. Depending on tasks to be handled, large companies may hire professional social media managers at $30,000 a year or more. Small companies, churches, and indivuals who would like to actively engage in social media may hire freelance social media managers at much lower rates.

Let’s discuss your needs

Let’s talk if you are interested in getting started with social media and don’t have time to do it all yourself. If you are already using social media, feel free to contact me for a FREE social media critique. I’ll take a look at how you currently use Twitter, Facebook, Google + and more. We can examine together your best options for how to use social media. You may determine you need the services of a freelance social media manager, or you may not need those services. In this terrible economy, there is no reason to spend money on a service you could do without or postpone.

Duties of a Social Media Manager

Some of the functions of a freelance social media manager include:

• The creation of social media accounts
• Updating your social media networks
• Responding to your followers and fans
• Posting content to YouTube, your blog, or website
• Monitoring social media for your name or brand
• Providing analytics about your social media reach, engagement, and more.
* Searching for potential followers/fans in your target audience
* … but there’s so much more

Read the post, “Yes, You Can Afford a Freelance Social Media Manager” and find a plan that will fit your needs or contact me to customize a plan just for you.

Looking to implement a social media strategy for your church? I can help. Read my post, “Does Your Church Need a Freelance Social Media Manager?” to learn more about how I can help.


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