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I Logged Back into Google+

Google + Article

Great Google + Article by Chris Brogan inside this issue

I am enjoying Google+ a lot these days. This new social media platform from Google was not my favorite thing when I first signed up. I received an invite just before Google+ went public. I was invited by a friend but they rarely posted anything. Of course, the next person I put into one of my circles was Chris Brogan. He had blogged about Google+ from its inception.


So there I was, a girl named Biffy and a man named Chris. That was my total circle population. Each time I looked at my Google+ stream, it was Chris Brogan all the time. The same thing happens on Twitter when you only follow one or two people. You better be interested in those one or two people or you’ll get bored. Needless to say, despite my interest in Chris Brogan and his informative blog posts, I didn’t hang around Google+ for long.

Four days ago, I logged back onto Google+. It wasn’t because of anything I had seen online. No great blogger reviews caused me to give Google+ another try, not even one of Chris Brogan’s raving blog posts about Google+. I receive his blog posts in my inbox each morning but have only read maybe one or two about Google+. So what made me long onto Google + once again?

I went to the grocery store for some milk. That’s what did it. Down the way from the milk is the magazine aisle and I love magazines, especially Entrepreneur Magazine. The first place I turn in Entrepreneur Magazine is a column written by Chris Brogan. Reading his article on Google+ made me realize I may be missing out on something big. My goal that evening was to go home and make the most out of Google+.

Fast forward four days later and I’ve re-connected with some old writing friends, I’ve met some very interesting people (most interesting of all is the man who has written the definitive book on the Dick Van Dyke Show) and I’ve connected with someone who may allow me to interview a candidate running for president. All this in only four days on Google+. The thing is, I didn’t try to make any of this happen. I didn’t stalk anyone. It all just happened naturally.

Thanks Chris for writing that column in Entrepreneur Magazine. Sorry I ignored your many blog posts on Google+. Sometimes I just need to see things in print.

The column that inspired me to log back into Google+ can be found here.

In upcoming posts, I’ll blog a bit about my Google+ experiences. I’d like to know yours too.


One Response to “I Logged Back into Google+”

  1. Hi Brian!

    I joined google+ after receiving an invite from a family member. I was hesitant at first, but finally gave in. I am so glad I did!

    I was hesitant b/c I didn’t want to pour myself into another “FB” type thing. I can honestly say that my G+ experience has been nothing like my FB experience. I am not hating on FB, I just enjoy G+ on a different level than I did FB.

    Photography, writers, creatives of all types, activists – all on there. All sharing their wealth of knowledge and encouraging one another. I’m really blown away by how much I’ve learned since joining.

    One drawback: Bejeweled Blitz calls my name just as loudly on G+ as it did on FB. :)

    Posted by Donna Earnhardt | October 31, 2011, 6:55 pm

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