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Random Acts of Kindness

There’s an App for Everything

There is an app today for just about everything. A new app just out on the market is the Boom Boom! app from Boom Boom! Revolution, a social innovation company, founded in 2008 which creates positive consumer products with the intention of inspiring an uprising of guerilla goodness. That’s a good cause, huh?


This app expands on the “kindness” website http://boomboomcards.com. If you have been a victim of a random act of kindness and wanted to share it with others (Boom Boom! Revolution says this inspires kindness), you can do it easily via the Boom Boom! app.

I’ve never been a victim of a random act of kindness, but I have victimized others. Once, we paid for a few games of bowling for a couple who had a lane next to ours. We tried to do it secretly and thought we had done so. As we were heading toward the exit, the couple we paid for took their shoes to the counter and tried paying their bill. We heard the clerk shout out, “You’ve just become a victim of a random act of kindness!” He then pointed our way.

Whatever end of a random act of kindness you are on, it is always a blessing. And if what Boom Boom Revolution says is true, letting others know about kind acts promotes more kindness, then lets get going and tell others about the kindess we’ve been a party to.


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