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iPhone’s Siri Tells Girl to Shut Up and Calls Her Ugly

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A friend of mine recently bought her daughter a new iPhone 4S. The iPhone 4S she bought her daughter was a kind one. It was an iPhone 4S without an attitude, quite unlike the demo model in a Tesco store in the UK which woke up on the wrong side of the bed yesterday.

The iPhone 4S in the UK does not speak with the soft gentle female voice we hear in the US. The UK model uses a male voice with of course, a British accent.

As reported in The Sun Newspaper a twelve year old girl named Charlie Le Quesne asked the iPhone how many people were in the entire world. The answer the girl received was quite unexpected. Are you ready for the answer? Here it is: “Shut the F*** Up, you ugly t***! I’m not sure what that “T” word is but I think I can figure it out.

Remember , all this is being said in a man’s voice to a little girl.

Needless to say, the demo model, after being asked the same question a second time and spitting out the same response, was promptly taken off the shelf and sent in for repairs.

You know there’s some Apple iPhone programmer somewhere saying, “I did that.”

I’m not sure how litigious Brits are, but if that had happened in America, the parents would already be in court saying to Apple through a throng of lawyers, “You traumatized my daughter, now pay up!”

Have you had any strange responses from Siri, either the male or female version? Please leave your strange Siri stories below.


4 Responses to “iPhone’s Siri Tells Girl to Shut Up and Calls Her Ugly”

  1. Yeah – it would be in a recycling bin! :)

    Posted by Donna Earnhardt | December 30, 2011, 8:55 pm
  2. That happened because you can teach Siri your name. If you teach it a name that is 
     “Shut the F*** Up, you ugly t***!” then that is what Siri will call you. Hmm…maybe I should tell Siri that my name is Oh Wise One? 😉

    Posted by Carolyn Nicander Mohr | January 18, 2012, 3:10 pm

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