Need a social media speaker? I'll speak to your group.
I want to thank you for making this blog a success. How do I gauge success? A success is when people are helped by any words I may utter upon this blog. I’ve seen that in comments. I’ve read it in tweets and in emails. I thank everyone for their kind words.
I get to help some people via this blog and I’m taking this blog, its content and the mind behind the content on the road to a speaking venue near you. No, I won’t be renting out movie theaters or concert halls, I will be speaking to small to middle size groups. If a church wants to make me available to their local community, I’m there for you. (speaking at churches) I’ll speak at a Lions Club meeting, a nursing home or assisted living center, a chamber of commerce luncheon or any other small to middle sized group.
Whatever audience you have, I’ll treat them with respect. I’ll show up on time. I’ll leave on time. Audience members will participate if they want and laugh a little (but only if they think my corny jokes are funny.)
The following are the talks I can give to your small or middle sized group:
Tweeting what you eat? Talking someone off the ledge? Or something in between? Those are legitimate questions to ask on the purpose of Twitter. This talk is 30-60 minutes long (depending on your needs and the Q&A time) and is geared toward novice Twitter users and those who have never used Twitter. I speak with audiences the same way I use Twitter, I converse. So be ready to have your group ask me questions and answer some in return. Sound good?
Effective means different things to different users of social media. What does effective use of social media mean to your church, non-profit or ministry? Once that question is answered, everything else falls into its social media place.
In this talk, I’ll speak on:
This talk is perfect for church leadership conferences or for a church staff. Whether your congregation has already enacted a social media strategy and wants to make a u-turn, or your congregation has yet to step foot into the Twitter, Google + or Facebook arena, this talk can be tailored to your needs.
Children are precious. Is that why we sometimes throw them into the world of social media before they’re ready? Even if they are mature enough to use Facebook, they may not be legally old enough to do so. These and many other topics are covered in this talk.
Learn about:
Yes, I also write children’s picture books. Writing books for children is fun. There’s no doubt about it. Can you do it for a living? Some people do.
This talk can cover a lot of territory and is great for any kind of small group. for this talk ranges from one hour (for a simple talk) to four hours (for a workshop including lunch). Participants can have their work critiqued and win a chance for a published picture book author to give a detailed critique of their work.
A church may want open their doors to all writers in their community, and those who want to be writers. You may have a group of ladies and some men in your church who would like to write children’s books or improve their writing. This is a talk that can even be given to grade school students. The talk will be tailored to the audience you have. Among the things I can speak about are:
Brian Humek speaking on Twitter to a small group.