Speaking at Churches

Some churches now engage their local communities by utilizing the church building at times out side of their normal worship services. Some churches offer guest speakers to their communities. These guests talk on anything from resume making to talks on living within a budget to writing children’s books and the dangers of social media for kids.

Any of my talks on this page are able to be done at churches as a service to their local communities or for the members of their own congregation.

Additionally, I have the following talks and speaking opportunities your church can take advantage of:

Effective Social Media Use for Churches

Effective means different things to different users of social media. What does effective use of social media mean to your church, non-profit or ministry? Once that question is answered, everything else falls into its social media place.

In this talk, I’ll speak on:

  • Building your brand (your church or ministry name)
  • Doing good for others or as many people call it, adding value
  • Finding potential buyers or seeking out visitors as it’s called in the church.

Facebook and Christians

Christians want to be social. Actually, everyone wants to be social. Facebook to the rescue, right? Does Facebook bring any unwanted troubles to its users, espeically to Christian users? There are numerous examples of facebook troubles and as Christians, we also have more responsibilities in this Facebook generation.

In this talk, I’ll speak on:

  • Why we feel compelled to use Facebook
  • Facebook stories that may scare you
  • Parenting and your Facebook children

Making “Missional” More Than a Buzzword

Many churched have begun using the term “missional” in vision statements or mission statements. They may use it when speaking to the congreagation about what kind of church they aim to be. Sometimes churches use this word without grasping its full meaning and how it may change their congregation. That’s when “missional” becomes more of a buzzword than an intentional act.

In this talk, I’ll speak on:

  • The meaning of “missional.”
  • The mission of Jesus as seen in the biblical text
  • Living as a “missional” church in your community

Effective Evangelism: A Zaccheus Perspective

Effective means different things to different church members. But for Jesus, “effective” means one thing.

In this talk, I’ll speak on:

  • Building your brand (your church or ministry name)
  • Doing good for others or as many people call it, adding value
  • Finding potential buyers or seeking out visitors as it’s called in the church.

Special Speaking Engagement

Saturday 11 a.m. (and lunch) Open your church to the community for a talk on children’s writing, social media or a spiritual matter unchurched residents may be interested in.

This time slot can also be used for a talk to your church members on any of the above subjects.

Sunday Bible Class: Making “Missional” More Than a Buzzword
Sunday Morning Sermon: Effective Evangelism: A Zaccheus Perspective (Luke 19:1-10)


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