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The Popularity of In-N-Out Burger

So what’s with the popularity of In-N-Out Burger? I’m not exactly sure, but I’d love your comments below. With the opening of a new In-N-Out Burger today in Dallas, Texas, this blog has been getting more hits than usual. Typically, I receive 20-30 hits a day unless I post something on Twitter which gets re-tweeted by TweetSmarter and a ton of others. This post may get 3-5 hits on a normal day.

I always find it interesting to see how people find this blog. Here is a copy of the keyword analysis from statcounter. These stats are for my first In-N-Out post found here.

By the way, the new In-N-Out Burger in Irving should be open around the first week of July. If I have time, I’ll get a picture of its progress and post it here.

Happy Eating and don’t forget to tell me all the reasons why I should love In-N-Out Burger too.


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