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Blogging / Social Media

The Social Media Graveyard

Social Media for churches

I was recently working on a post about churches and their social media strategies. For that post, I took one of my photographs and edited a little bit. This photo was the result. The premise behind the post was that many church social media strategies should be buried in the social media graveyard. The same could be said about the social media strategies of many businesses.

The idea of a social media graveyard intrigued me. The recent fire sale of MySpace has relegated it to hospice care, if not the social media graveyard. Xanga is probably in the same critical condition. Friendster, as a pure social media network is dead. However, it has reincarnated itsefl into a social gaming site. Is it too little too late? Time will tell.

Believe it or not, Wal-Mart even had its own short-lived social media site geared toward teens. Back in 2006, their site The Hub died after two weeks. They didn’t officially bury the site until ten weeks later. Ooooh, the stench was awful. Other dead social networks of note are sixdegrees.com and Yahoo360.

I’ve listed a few dead or dying social networks. Do any other dead or dying social networks pop into your mind? Will the advent of Google+ hasten Twitter’s move to the social media graveyard? As a Twitter fan, I hope not. Additionally, are there any social media practices that are in the graveyard or should be?

What do you think about this social media matter of life, then death?


One Response to “The Social Media Graveyard”

  1. This may sound kind of shocking, but I think Facebook will be going to the Social Media graveyard soon. I keep seeing more and more of my friends switching from Facebook to Twitter. Isn’t this similar to how people kept switching from MySpace to Facebook until eventually everyone was on Facebook and no one was on MySpace? Also, with Google+ now, I think people may switch over to that instead of Facebook. Facebook is just simply becoming old news now while Google+ is currently in its exclusive, invite-only stage creating a buzz. Facebook also keeps making changes that seem silly and annoying, the latest being with the chat. People are more accepting of Google+ because it’s brand new and experimental.

    Social media blogs are mostly all in the graveyard, too. Xanga, Livejournal, does anyone even use these anymore? Not really. In the world of social media blogging it all comes down to one site that seems to more than dominate them all: Tumblr.

    Posted by Kimberly Erskine | July 11, 2011, 3:23 pm

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