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Blogging / Social Media

The Twitter Czar Job (will you apply?)

Found this over at Glee Street.com and thought you might be interested.

You’re fluent in Twitterese. You have 10,000 followers and you engage each of them in conversation. You never send auto DMs to new followers. You understand the ins and outs of all twitter etiquette. You are also unemployed or underemployed like most of the industrialized world.

What are you to do? You might want to apply for a new job being created in London. If you act fast enough, you could be the new U.K. Twitter Czar, or at least that’s what Harry Wallop of The Telegraph newspaper called the position. One of the best things about this new position is the pay. The qualified applicant will earn over $230,000 a year. Hey, it’s less responsibility than Prime Minister David Cameron has and for basically the same salary. Here’s part of the job description….. (read the rest of the story)


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