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Virgin Galactic Crash Was Not Due to Explosion?

What Caused the Virgin Galactic Crash?

Virgin Galactic Crash PhotoWhen news of the Virgin Galactic crash sent shockwaves through the news media on Friday, most observers thought it was due to engine failure or an engine explosion. Some claimed it was due to a new fuel being used that was unstable and that Richard Branson / Virgin Galactic had been warned of this instability.

New evidence now has investigators believing the reason for the Virgin Galactic crash may have been a structural failure instead of an explosion. This could cause a huge delay in space tourism as now the entire ship may have to be redesigned, it the crash did happen because of its engineering instead of its engine.

A cargo space ship headed for the international space station blew up on the launch pad last week. These two disasters are big set backs for private space travel and space business ventures.

What is the future of private space travel and space business ventures? They will need more successes vs. setbacks or the future of space tourism itself could be jeopardy.

I was counting on being one of the first aboard Virgin Galactic, but not any longer.


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