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Welcome to the Marissa Mayer Era: Another Big Change at Yahoo!

Yahoo LogoI hope you’re ready. There’s another big change at Yahoo. This almost seems like a daily occurrence, doesn’t it?

For the past years it has been very convenient to go to your Yahoo Mail or any other Yahoo service and have the ability to sign up simply by clicking a convenient button for Facebook sign up or Google sign up. That convenience is a thing of the past. Well, this new inconvenience from Yahoo will not be immediate. There will be a gradual roll out of this plan. But you will see it implemented for all of Yahoo’s services eventually. No precise time span has been given. But if you do not yet have a Yahoo ID, it’s best you sign up for one now.

This is only the latest move by Yahoo that proves the axiom that “new bosses change things.” After Marissa Mayer came on as CEO, the first thing she did was overhaul one of the only things Yahoo did well, Yahoo Mail. Other changes have included eliminating tele-commuting for Yahoo workers, a new Yahoo front page and a re-designed Yahoo logo. Change begets change, but it doesn’t necessarily make customers and workers happy. Complaints about the new email changes have ranged into the tens of thousands and problems continually arise about Yahoo mail.

Welcome to the world of change… the new Yahoo! Maybe another big change at Yahoo will be the exit of Marissa Mayer. I’m not calling for her removal, but if profits don’t skyrocket soon, that next big change at Yahoo may well be her saying goodbye.


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