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Blogging / Social Media

This category contains 36 posts
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Only One Problem with Statcounter.com

Description: You will want to use statcounter.com to count your website visitors Congratulations! You have a new website. Now, what to do? You probably have that figured out. You’re either going to share your darkest secret in an anonymous blog site or you are creating a niche marketing site or maybe you have begun a […]

Do Social Media Managers Lie to Clients About Their Twitter Followers?

Is Your Social Media Manager a Shadowy Figure? So if you wonder if freelance social media managers deceive their clients, maybe the following questions will answer that question. Do leopards have spots? Does Saved by the Bell have a fond place in the heart of Jimmy Fallon? Is there a tall building in New York? […]

Are Case Sensitive Search Results in Google a Trend?

Not too long ago, I decided to try a test of Google’s search algorithm. I decided to take one of my pages from PizzaSpotz.com and boost its ranking in search results. I had done this with my pizza jokes page and that succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. We rank #1 for “pizza jokes.” We rank […]

An Interview with Fishville and Mafia Wars Creator Roger Dickey

Are You a Serial Entrepreneur? How many of you play Mafia Wars or Fishville? How many of you have a startup or are looking into funneling your time, money and resources into a startup? Which of my readers are interested in app creation? From that huge show of hands, it looks like just about all […]

What Gets Re-Pinned Most on Pinterest?

Some people have a Pinterest account because they enjoy a website which is particularly visual. If you’ve never visited Pinterest, look at the screenshot below to see what I mean. . Using Pinterest for Business But there are others who use Pinterest as a tool for business. In a previous post, I mentioned how Pinterest […]


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