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This category contains 13 posts

Il Mio Papa – The Weekly Pope Magazine Hits the Shelves

The weekly Pope Magazine, My Pope (Il Mio Papa in Italian, hit the shelves on Ash Wednesday in Italy. Yes, Pope Francis has his very own magazine. The first issue is 68 pages and it is filled with news about Pope Francis and filled with stories and tidbits about his life. He has almost been […]

Does Your Church Need a Freelance Social Media Manager?

Tweak Your Twitter Account and More Here are five signs your congregation may need the services of a freelance social media manager: 1) The church Twitter account profile picture is an egg. 2) The church email inbox is filled with friend requests from Xanga, Friendster and MySpace. 3) Your ministry staff thinks Google + is […]

21st Century Business and Church Practices

Warning: I need your feedback on this article. Be prepared to comment. . Businesses are Progressing The 21st century is a unique time. Business practices are changing and so are the ways of the church. To see this, I look at CEOs who now call themselves brand evangelists. They tell the good news of their […]

Attractional vs. Incarnational: Will Changing the Name of a Church Solve Every Church Problem, Especially Lower Attendance?

. About the Title Of course, the answer is no. A name change may temporarily put a few people in the pews or chairs, but solve every church problem, definitely not! Churches like to be attractional An elder I respect at the church we attend, stood up today to announce our church is changing names. […]

What the Bible Teaches About Blogging

Bible Basics of Blogging Be Nice Don’t use your blog as a platform for attacks on others or as a constant stream of negativity i.e. complaints or rants. People don’t want to be brought down. After all, life is tough enough in the real world without reading negative blog posts. People want to be lifted […]


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