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Facebook for Twelve Year Olds

This tag is associated with 4 posts

What Are You Teaching Your Twelve Year Old?

Impressionable Twelve year old children are very impressionable. They learn something about life from watching everything you do. Understanding this one fact may influence your decision making process when it comes to Facebook and your twelve year old. Lessons I Have Taught My Son As a parent, I can already see many of the lessons […]

You Will Get Your Twelve Year Old a Facebook Account because…

Normal. That is not always a good thing. Don’t believe me? Read Linchpin by Seth Godin. But when it comes down to children, they typically want to be normal. Look at the sheep in the picture. That’s what you call a herd. Kids want to be a part of a herd. They don’t want to […]

Sometimes Facebook is dangerous for kids

Sometimes Facebook is Dangerous for Kids

. It won’t take you long to look up some facebook horror stories. There are numerous stories about twelve year olds on facebook who are victims of cyberbullying. There are plenty of twelve year old facebook users even though Facebook rules do not allow anyone under thirteen from having an account. Unfortunately, Facebook cannot stop […]

Christian Parents and Facebook

Christians and Facebook. That isn’t always pretty sight to see. Last year, an active Christian woman, a distant family member, divorced her husband of twenty years after she began an affair with a man she met on Facebook. I’ll talk about the problems Facebook causes marriages in another post. For now, I want to stick […]


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