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Apple Computers Hit with Flashback Malware

Apple Computers Hit with Flashback Malware – Links for Removal

(skip to the end to find fixes for this Flashback trojan malware)

For years, I’ve heard what everyone else has heard, Apple computers were impenetrable to viruses and malware. This does not seem to be the case any longer.

It has been reported that over 600,000 Mac owners have been infected by Flashback malware. About 300,000 of these computers are in the U.S. while others are in Canada, Great Britain and Australia.

Once the malware is installed on a computer, a unique ID number is sent back to the control server of the entity who created the malware. Due to this identification number, it is known that almost 300 of these computers are located in Cupertino, CA. Yeah, you guessed it, probably inside Apple’s headquarters.

There is a fix for this problem and you can find it on a few different websites: (please share this with others if you’ve found this post helpful)

Here is the fix from Apple

If you need to find out if your computer is infected with the Flashback malware, security firm F-Secure has an informative page here to help.

I hope this helps and please pass along others so they too can soon rid their computers of this flashback malware.



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